The survey results are a snapshot capturing the thoughts and ideas of folks in the heritage resource management business in BC. It's an opinionated conversation about the challenges and promise in our field.
The results are available here and via the mailing list, and may be downloaded in PDF and spreadsheet formats. I encourage individuals and organizations to use the results to inform ongoing discussions and planning around heritage or to form the basis of position papers by industry groups or First Nations organizations. Please share widely!
I will soon summarize the results into handy take-away sheets that can be used as discussion points for advocacy. Coming soon!
Other ideas or questions? Email me. Notice unforgivable errors? Email me.
Stay in touch. Sign up on the mailing list for updates and news.
Click the trowel to download the summary (aggregate quantitative and individual long-form answers) as a PDF.
Click the shovel to download the complete survey data in a spreadsheet.
The survey citation is:
Hammond, Joanne, 2016. The BC Archaeology Survey.

The BC Archaeology Survey 2016 by Joanne Hammond is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at